Smorgasburg at Hutton Brickyards
KINGSTON, NY (May 16, 2016)‑‑ "We want the opening weekend of Smorgasburg Upstate to be a fantastic experience for everyone, both the public and the vendors. Unfortunately, we now anticipate a 60‑day delay due to the complexity of the project," stated Karl Slovin, The Hutton Brickyards owner and President of MWest Holdings. "Providing proper infrastructure and renovating the existing structures, some over 100 years old, to make them safe for the public is taking a bit more time than first anticipated. We hope everyone will bear with us for a few extra weeks."
"Bringing the movable feast to Upstate New York is the natural progression for a company that's been celebrating and promoting local food businesses for the past decade," said Smorgasburg's Jonathan Butler. Smorgasburg, led by CoFounders Jonathan Butler and Eric Demby, will use 18 of the 76 acres MWest owns along the Hudson River for a weekly open‑air food and flea market.
The Hutton Brickyards turned out millions of bricks from 1865 to 1980 on the Hudson River in Kingston, New York. The Brickyards supplied building brick to the Hudson Valley and New York City, including to iconic structures such as Yankee Stadium and the Empire State Building.
The property, derelict for over 30 years, was neglected during this low period in its history. "The clean-up from 100 years of industrial use and 30 years of neglect has been enormous. Our goal is to bring this unique riverfront property to life with partners like Butler and Demby, who admire and respect the history and context of Kingston and The Hutton Brickyards," explained Slovin. Working closely with Kingston officials, Slovin and Butler are making sure the market meets all the local and state requirements to ensure the public's safety prior to opening Smorgasburg Upstate. "We greatly appreciate all of the enthusiasm we have received from the public, particularly the Kingston city officials, who have been truly supportive and great to work with," adds Slovin.
MWest's Smorgasburg plan calls for several of the existing buildings to be used for the project while others would be cordoned off until refurbishment at a later date. The new Smorgasburg Upstate launch date of August 6th, 2016, will allow final touches to be completed and additional time for vendors to submit their applications.
For more information on The Hutton Brickyards visit huttonbrickyards.com
About MWest Holdings: MWest Holdings is an experienced real estate investment company with over 2 million square feet of residential and commercial property across the United States. Founded in 1991, MWest is known for creating innovative development solutions that instill a sense of neighborhood and integrity and create a lasting, tangible value. As a highly successful and stable owner of real estate, MWest has continually employed sound business practices, low leverage, and stringent underwriting guidelines for each investment opportunity. The company's success is anchored in a philosophy that imagination is the only limiting factor to growth.
MEDIA CONTACT: Kyle Kokkales ∙ 818.501.5600 ∙ marketing@mwestholdings.com